Well, here it is March and lambing time. All the ewes are in the field shelter tonight and just as well. Snow has fallen yet again and the temperature has dropped dramatically. We spent the day forking new straw into place and manhandling a huge round bale into the shelter for them. No big tractors here just Jim, me and a lot of questionable language!!

This last weekend I was away at the Coventry and Leicester cat show judging, what a busy day that was, with 58 different cats to judge. It will be a week or so before all the reports are done.
We have had the first of the ducklings and chicks arrive, they are in our kitchen in an incubator chirping away. My 14 year old birman girl is babysiting them (well it is warm on top of the incubator!!)
I will be back blogging as the first of the lambs arrive....