Well, February has arrived and still we are getting more snow...St Valentines Day is just a few days away, My birthday and hopefully some bookings for the cottages, they are a cosy place for lovers.
The lambs are due to arrive from the 19th, we just hope the weather improves as its a harsh start to a new life, even if they are born with wool. We keep the lambs in for 48 hours before their little world becomes one of harsh elements and mud...as well as a few blades of grass. It has been a harsh winter for the sheep and the horses. We have had to supplement feeds for them all as well as lots of hay. Easter is late this year so hopefully it will be warm and welcoming when it arrives.
We have some indian runner ducklings, they and a couple of the extra drakes we have, will be going to the auction mart this saturday morning at about 6am.
The Egyptian Mau kittens are getting more mischievous by the day, just two left to find willing slaves and new homes, they are such fun cats, we will miss them.
Watch this space for the new arrivals from the 19th!!!