well they are here at last those spring lambs... not an easy start to the year, two of our ewes had prolapses, causing massive vet bills, far outweighing the lambs worth, but little lives have to be saved.
we have a set of twins and two singles at present with 12 more ewes to lamb.
According to lambing live, the herdwicks do it all themselves, well not so, here they have needed help.
we have had other new life too, two runner ducklings hatched and 4 exchequer chicks, so its all hands to the feed bins!!
we have few cottage bookings for the easter weekend, but the easter week still has some vacancies left.
We are looking forward to the drier weather and carriage rides with the horses.
The elderberry wine bottled from 2009 is going down well with us and guests alike, a firm favourite!! watch this space for more lambs arriving!!